Rich Bottorff started Bottorff Consulting, LLC in 2011 to help companies get the maximum value out of the people, reports, data, and applications already at their disposal. With vision, creativity, and skill, efficiencies can be created and almost any data/analysis problem solved by fully utilizing Excel, Access, and data downloads already available.
Rich has a passion for using the expertise gained over 20 years in financial analysis, accounting, and consulting roles to help others.
Check out PROJECTS page to see a brief list of projects done
Bottorff Consulting offers services as a contractor or subcontractor in:
• Specialized Excel, Access, and data handling solutions including:
- creation of custom reports and streamlining of existing reports
- customized Excel/Access-based applications
- merging of data and conditioning into useable format
- development of complex financial models for pricing, budgeting, forecasting, and ad-hoc analysis
- macro creation and repair
• Reporting Automation and Process Improvement
• Financial and Data Analyst support
• Accounting, Bookkeeping, and Reconciliation issues